Friday, August 6, 2010

Depth of detection, as shown with the core

Traditional firewalls can not do, O2Micro new smart firewall but can be done.

O2Micro Application topology

With the development of economic globalization and the information system development, the network has become the work and life around us, an indispensable element. Ever since the birth date of the network, viruses, spam and hacker attacks the network has never stopped, but as networks increase in size and complexity of these discordant elements into the network more and more people feel a headache in the composition . The growth of the network will promote the application of systems and software grows, the network has grown from the original development of the interoperability of multiple data multi-service bearer. Traditional firewall products have been unable to present a very popular BitTorrent and other P2P software testing, and not to mention the speed limit on, we take a look at how to use the new intelligent type of software firewall to control access.

BitTorrent is a more open source P2P download the software, designed for large file sharing and design. In short, the characteristic is: The more people download, the faster. Then the BitTorrent and our traditional software to upload and download any different? In general, the download is to transfer files from the server to the client, such as FTP, HTTP, PUB and so on. However, there is a problem of this download method - with the increase of users, bandwidth requirements will increase, and the user will cause the server over a network bottleneck. Therefore, many of the server the number of users have downloaded and download speed limits, which has had to download the user inconvenience caused. The emergence of BitTorrent solves this problem. BitTorrent is used as the mode of transmission to achieve resource sharing files, using BitTorrent to download the contrary, the more people download faster. BitTorrent, the work process consists of several parts, first is the client access to. Torrent file, which contains the server address and other information released, the client is connected, by the distribution server to get to the tracker program that can track how many people at the same time in the end download the same file. Client connected to the tracker server, you get a download list of personnel may, according to this, BT will automatically connect to another machine to download. Finally the client side using Scokets Peer connection to download content. This client with all the Peer to establish Sockets connection, connecting more, download faster, but the more network bandwidth consumption. This data transfer model, network operators and users have put enormous pressure on the ensuing contradictions. Traditional firewall products, due to its inherent design structure, not on the BitTorrent P2P software such testing, it is not possible to limit the speed. The current operator China Netcom, the Great Wall of broadband and other commonly used through the sealing of BitTorrent port (6881-6889,8881-8899 or 6969) to carry out the restrictions on the BitTorrent software, but by modifying the registry or the BitTorrent settings, users can easily modify the BitTorrent port to avoid ISP blocking ports on BitTorrent. Therefore, by simple blockade of the traditional firewall is no sense.鍙﹀BitTorrent杩欑被杞欢濡傛灉瀹㈡埛绔湪鍐呯綉锛屼粬涔熷彲浠ヤ负鍏朵粬浜烘彁渚涗笅杞芥湇鍔★紝瀹㈡埛绔鍏堟姤鍛婄粰鍙戝竷鏈嶅姟鍣紝Peer绔篃鎶ュ憡鍙戝竷鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ叕缃戠殑淇℃伅锛屽鎴风鍦ㄧ瓑寰呬竴娈垫椂闂村悗锛岃繛鎺ユ湇鍔″櫒鑾峰緱Peer绔殑淇℃伅锛岀劧鍚庡畠浣跨敤鍙嶅悜Sockets杩炴帴鍚庯紝鍙互涓哄缃慞eer绔彁渚涗笅杞芥湇鍔★紝杩欐牱鏋佸ぇ鍦板缃戠粶瀹夊叏鏋勬垚濞佽儊銆傝繘杩戜緷闈犱紶缁熼槻鐏鏄棤娉曞杩欐牱缁撴瀯鐨勮闂繘琛岄檺鍒剁殑銆?br />
鑰孫2Micro鍏徃浣跨敤鑷富鐮斿彂ASIC鑺墖鐨凷ifoWorks闃茬伀澧欏垯鍦ㄦ牴鏈笂瑙e喅浜嗕笂杩伴棶棰橈紝鐪熸杈惧埌浜嗘繁搴︽娴嬶紝闅忚姱鎵?銆傞鍏堬紝渚濋潬鑹ソ璁捐鐨凙SIC澶勭悊鑺墖锛孲ifoWorks闃茬伀澧欒兘澶熷湪100涓囪繛鎺ュ缓婊$殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝渚濈劧淇濇寔鍗冨厗绾块?澶勭悊鑳藉姏銆傚叾娆★紝SifoWorks鏈夊緢濂界殑Anti-DDOS鍔熻兘锛岃兘澶熷缃戠粶涓殑鏀诲嚮琛屼负鎻愬墠杩涜妫?祴鍜岄槻鑼冿紝淇濊瘉缃戠粶鐨勭晠閫氾紝鍐充笉鍫靛銆傛渶閲嶈鐨勬槸锛孲ifoWorks闃茬伀澧欏唴缃殑鍥涘眰鏅鸿兘闃插尽绯荤粺锛岄?杩囩晫闈㈤厤缃殑淇敼浼犻?缁橝SIC鑺墖寰爜澶勭悊闃靛垪锛岃兘澶熷鏁版嵁鍖呰繘琛屾繁灞傛鐨勮繃婊ゅ拰妫?祴锛岄?杩囧BitTorrent瀹㈡埛绔笌tracker鏈嶅姟鍣ㄤ箣闂寸殑TCP杩炴帴杩涜杩囨护鐩戞帶锛屼粠鑰屾湁鏁堢殑鎺у埗浜嗗鎴风鍜孭eer绔缓绔婼ockets杩炴帴鐨勮繃绋嬨?閫氳繃SifoWorks鐨凲oS鍔熻兘锛岃兘澶熷叿浣撳姣忎釜绔彛浜х敓鐨勮繛鎺ユ寜浼樺厛绾т骇鐢熷鍒楋紝淇濊瘉浜嗙綉缁滃叧閿暟鎹殑甯﹀鍜岄?搴︺?浠庝笂闈ifoWorks闃茬伀澧欏BitTorrent杞欢鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛孲ifoWorks 闃茬伀澧欐槸涓?楂樻晥銆佸畨鍏ㄣ?闆嗗鍔熻兘涓轰竴韬殑鏂板瀷鏅鸿兘闃茬伀澧欒澶囥?


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